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CSA Membership Contract

The shareholder agrees to pay at least half down before shares start and the remaining regular season fee before 7/1/2024, (except for Friday members which pay $100 before the season starts and $100 as desired through the season.)

In the event a shareholder or WREF wishes to end their subscription, reimbursement will be made according to the weeks remaining, less $50 which is a non-refundable deposit to cover seed stock.

WREF agrees to have a produce share available on the designated day unless other arrangements are needed or determined (due to severe weather or illness). If the produce share will be late due to these factors, it will be made up as quickly as possible thereafter and shareholders will always be notified. Shares were ready every week in previous 13 seasons even in the rain.


Unless other pre-arrangements are made or you contact me and work something out, the shareholder must pick up their share within the time frame described in the yearly information. If you do not pick up and have not made prior arrangements, your share will be forfeited. I will send reminder emails and texts, but it is your responsibility to pick up your produce. After 2 missed shares without contacting me no more shares will be given to that member. WREF will not vouch for freshness of the share if it is left after the designated pickup day.


WREF pledges its produce to be fresh and usable. It is the member’s responsibility to wash the produce. None of it should be considered ready to eat. WREF is not responsible for severe weather damage or vandalism to crops. Weather and pest damage are necessary risks involved in CSA membership. However, every possible action will be taken to assure a good supply of quality produce.

WREF reserves the right to cancel a membership and reimburse the shareholder according to the remaining weeks. By signing, the shareholder pledges that they have read and understand this contract and the CSA information page.

Thanks for submitting!

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